Get Involved

Textile ResQ Collective is always looking for people who want to be creative with textiles destined for landfill. Whether

  • You have lots of time to spare or only a little

  • You enjoy working in like-minded company or working at home

  • You are highly skilled or simply keen to learn

we have something you can do to help!

Donation & Support

If you like what we do you might want to support us with sponsorship or donations. If you don’t have the resources you might help apply for funding and sponsorship

Teaching & Learning

If you want to learn new crafts or how to repair and upcycle, we want to run workshops. If you want to teach and share your skills, there are informal opportunities at work sessions and more formal ones in workshops. You don’t have to be expert. You might like to gain or refresh the skills you need for confidence, stimulation, or even a springboard to employment or self employment

Work Sessions

Join our sessions where volunteers work on: Simple repairs, more complex repairs like visible mending or machined repairs, sewing new items out of rescued fabric, upcycling or deconstructing garments.

You may have crafts like knitting, crochet, applique, patchwork, quilting, embroidery we can use.

Attendance is flexible and volunteers can come when it suits. These are social as well as productive. Volunteers can share what they’ve made, ask questions, bounce ideas off each other, learn, chat and enjoy a cup of tea. If you prefer you can take materials and work from home or do a mix.


Decide whether an item is simple or complex to mend; a wash or an iron is needed; deconstruction or upcycling is better. Tidy, maintain and organise our store of resources.

Finding Uses for Rescued Textiles

If you are an artist, artisan, community member or group with a use for rescued textiles contact us and we may be able to supply you as a donation or in some mutually beneficial exchange. You may want to commission us to make items from rescued textiles. If you are a volunteer you might want to help find and cultivate these opportunities.

Creativity & Design

If you love design and upcycling ideas, you love to pour over books or scroll Instagram Pinterest and Facebook you can share ideas with the group. No less useful are tried and tested ideas or patterns you can share.

Unleash your creativity and try out ideas with rescued fabrics. They are the perfect no-regrets medium.

Help us with product display.

Communication & Promotion

You could play an important part promoting our group and raising awareness of the need to reduce textile waste. Help update our social media and website.

Good communication with our volunteer base, partners and supporters is a priority for us.

Administrative Roles

Lets face it there’s always the paperwork - but it might be your jam… We need volunteers for data collection on sales and volumes rescued, report-writing, managing finances, funding applications.